John Millet – Publication list
Millett, J.M., Wilkins, A.D., Campbell, E., Hole, M.J., Taylor, R.A., Healy, D., Jerram, D.A., Jolley, D.W., Planke, S., Archer, S.G. and Blischke, A., 2016. The geology of offshore drilling through basalt sequences: Understanding operational complications to improve efficiency. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, pp.1177-1192.
Hole, M.J. and Millett, J.M., 2016. Controls of Mantle Potential Temperature and Lithospheric Thickness on Magmatism in the North Atlantic Igneous Province. Journal of Petrology, 57(2), pp.417-436.
Millett, J.M., Hole, M.J., Jolley, D.W., Schofield, N. and Campbell, E., 2016. Frontier exploration and the North Atlantic Igneous Province: new insights from a 2.6 km offshore volcanic sequence in the NE Faroe–Shetland Basin. Journal of the Geological Society, 173(2), pp.320-336.
Schofield, N., Holford, S., Millett, J.M., Brown, D., Jolley, D., R Passey, S., Muirhead, D., Grove, C., Magee, C., Murray, J. and Hole, M., 2015. Regional magma plumbing and emplacement mechanisms of the Faroe‐Shetland Sill Complex: implications for magma transport and petroleum systems within sedimentary basins. Basin Research.
Hole, MJ., Millett, J.M., Jolley, D.W. & Rogers, N. 2015. Rifting and Mafic Magmatism in the Hebridean Basins. Journal of the Geological Society, doi:10.1144/jgs2014-100
Ebinghaus, A., Hartley, A.J., Jolley, D.W., Hole, M.J. & Millett, J.M. 2014. Lava–Sediment Interaction and Drainage-System Development in a Large Igneous Province: Columbia River Flood Basalt Province, Washington State, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84, 1041-1063.
Millett, J.M., Hole, M.J., Jolley, D.W. & Passey, S. 2013. Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5), 1762.
Millett, J.M., Hole, M.J. & Jolley, DW. 2014. A fresh approach to ditch cutting analysis as an aid to exploration in areas affected by large igneous province volcanism. In: Exploration and Exploitation West of Shetlands. Eds. Cannon, S. & Ellis, D. Geological Society of London Special Publication. 397.
Jolley, D.W., Passey, S.R., Hole, M.J. and Millett, J.M. 2012. Large-scale magmatic pulses drive plant ecosystem dynamics. Journal of the Geological Society. v.169, pp. 703-711.
Conference Contributions
Volcanic development of the NE Faroe-Shetland Basin: insights from 2.6 km of volcanic rocks penetrated by the Lagavulin exploration well, 2nd Jóannes Rasmussen Conference, Faroe Islands 2015
Complications when drilling basalt: What’s the difference? Drilling volcanics conference, Faroe Islands (invited talk), 2015
Offshore drilling through basaltic sequences: geological heterogeneity and its implications for drilling complications. VMSG 2015.
Magmatic dynamics and stratigraphy within the Faroe Islands Basalt Group: Can we correlate basalt? VMSG 2014.
Exploration within Large Igneous Provinces: Well data and what to do with it. Devex 2013.
Volcanic stratigraphy from ditch cutting analysis. Faroe Islands Exploration Conference, 2012.
Can lava geochemistry be utilized to aid predictive stratigraphy offshore? PESGB: West of Shetlands Conference: Exploration to Exploitation 2011.