Geophysical Atlas of the Sea of Okhotsk
Compiled and edited by Øyvind Engen, Sverre Planke, Reidun Myklebust, Frode Sandnes, and Erling Frantzen.

The Atlas presents integrated SGM interpretations of regional geology and individual basin structures. Case studies convey new understanding of the geological setting of the Sakhalin petroleum province as well as underexplored petroleum systems in the central and northern Sea of Okhotsk.
- Data specific processing, inversion and interpretation
- Qualitative integrated interpretation in seismic workstation environment
- Case studies/quantitative modeling of basins and potential field anomalies
Bathymetric map showing the Sea of Okhotsk and surrounding areas.
High-pass filtered Bouguer gravity data
Synthesis and Conclusions
- Executive Summary
- Geological Framework
- Petroleum Systems
Regional Maps and Profiles
- Geophysical Maps
- Crustal Provinces and Regional SGM Profiles
Sakhalin Region
- Geophysical Maps
- Integrated SGM Interpretation and Modeling
West-east seismic and gravity profile across the Deryugin Basin
Magadan Region
- Geophysical Maps
- Integrated SGM Interpretation and Modeling
West Kamchatka Region
- Geophysical Maps
- Integrated SGM Interpretation and Modeling
Data, Methods, and References