Project group:
VBPR, DougalEARTH and TGS with long and complimentary experience in petroleum exploration of volcanic margins and volcanic basins world-wide

VMAPP2 - Second Phase (2018-2021)

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Project aims:
New understanding and opportunities in global volcanic margin petroleum systems building on the VMAPP success (VMAPP 1)

Petroleum companies exploring rifted margins and volcanic basins - targeted information for explorers, seismic processors, petrophysicists, basin modelers, and drilling engineers

Project scope:
Interactive global database of volcanic basins, discoveries, and fields
Regional volcanic basin modules including basin architecture, igneous petroleum systems analysis, and play concepts
Improved volcanic basin exploration and development strategies
Frontier scientific research targeting volcanic basin prospectivity challenges

Interactive global volcanic basin database, Basin and Research modules, in-house presentations and training

Three-year project (2018-2021) including:

  • Global database/Basin Modules - online access through secure server/accompanying summary reports
  • 5 Research Modules (A4 PDF/PPT) including final printed box-set
  • Progress reporting - PowerPoint presentations
  • Access to a world leading team on the study of volcanics in research and exploration

Advantages of Early Participation

  • Company steering on research and basin modules
  • Yearly in-house meeting and project update
  • Advice session included in yearly meeting
  • Training session
  • Early access to materials
  • Group discount possibilities on sign-up to help Licences