January 2021 | VBPR at Vinterkonferansen 2021

Strong participation from VBPR at Vinterkonferansen 2021, 6-8 January

Vinterkonferansen 2021 is fully digital, and scientific work at VBPR will be presented in the following lectures:

Sverre Planke
Understanding breakup magmatism and climate by IODP drilling offshore mid-Norway in 2021.
(6 Jan - T1 - 15:35)

Yngve Rundberg
Slide model revisited: Giant collapse of Oligocene-lower Miocene strata in Northern North Sea and Møre Basin.
(7. Jan - T2 - 13:45)

Benjamin Bellwald
Characterization of a Glacial Paleo-outburst Flood Using High-resolution 3D Seismic Data: Bjørnelva River Valley, SW Barents Sea.
(8. Jan - T3 - 09:05)

Benjamin Bellwald
Meltwater Sediment Transport as the Dominating Process in Mid-latitude Trough Mouth Fan Formation.
(8. Jan - T3 - 11:55)

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